C Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json

C Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json 4,3/5 1999 votes

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On the Bing Maps forums I often come across developers who have difficulty accessing the Bing Maps REST services using different JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery and AngularJS. One common point of confusion is that passing in a REST service request URL into the address bar of a browser works, but passing that same URL into an AJAX method in JavaScript doesn’t. AJAX allows web pages to be updated asynchronously by exchanging small amounts of data with the server behind the scenes. This means that it is possible to update parts of a web page, without reloading the whole page. In this blog post we are going to take a quick look at how to access the Bing Maps services using different JavaScript frameworks.

  1. Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json Free
  2. Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json Editor
  3. C Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json Converter
  4. Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json Example

Q&A for Work. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. On the Bing Maps forums I often come across developers who have difficulty accessing the Bing Maps REST services using different JavaScript frameworks such as jQuery and AngularJS. One common point of confusion is that passing in a REST service request URL into the address bar of a browser works, but passing that same URL into an AJAX method in JavaScript doesn’t. AJAX allows web pages to.

Using pure JavaScript

When using JavaScript on its own one of the most common methods used to access data using AJAX is to use the XMLHttpRequest object. Unfortunately, until the introduction of Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) the XMLHttpRequest was limited to accessing resources and services that were hosted on the same domain as the webpage requesting them. CORS is now supported in most modern browsers and became a W3C standard in Janaury 2014 but it also needs to be enabled on the server of the service. Bing Maps REST services have been were released many years ago and currently do not support the use of CORS. Note that it is also worth knowing that there are many older browses that are still in use today that do not support CORS. When the Bing Maps REST services were released most web browsers did not support CORS and a different technique was commonly used to make cross domain calls to services, JSONP. JSONP is a technique which takes advantage of the fact that web browsers do not enforce the same-origin policy on script tags. To use JSONP with the Bing Maps REST services you add a parameter to the request URL like this &jsonp=myCallback. You then append a script tag to the body of the webpage using this URL. This will cause the browser to load call the service and load it like a JavaScript file, except that the JSON response will be wrapped with some code to a function called myCallback. Here is a reusable function you can use to add a script tag to the body of a webpage.

Now, let’s say you want to be able to call the REST services to geocode a location and call a function called GeocodeCallback. This can be done using the following code:

Notice that we wrapped the location we wanted to geocode with a function called encodeURIComponent. This is a best practice as web browsers can have difficulty with special characters, especially if you use the ampersand symbol in your location. This significantly increases the success rate of your query. Additional tips on using the REST services can be found here.

A full code sample of using the REST geocoding service in JavaScript using JSONP is documented here.

Using jQuery

JQuery (http://jquery.com) is a very popular JavaScript framework that makes it easier to developer JavaScript that works across different browsers. jQuery provides a three of different functions to make HTTP GET requests to services; jQuery.ajax ($.ajax), jQuery.get ($.get) and jQuery.getJSON ($.getJSON). The jQuery.get and jQuery.getJSON function is meant to be a simplified version of the jQuery.ajax function but have less functionality. The jQuery.get and jQuery.getJSON functions do not support cross-domain requests or JSONP whereas the jQuery.ajax function does. In order to make a cross-domain request using the jQuery.ajax function you have to specify that it uses JSONP and set the dataType property to JSONP. For example, here is a reusable function that uses the jQuery.ajax function to download the results from the specified REST URL request and send them to a callback function.

Here is an example of how you can use this function to geocode a location and have the results sent to a callback function called GeocodeCallback.

Using AngularJS

AngularJS is an open source JavaScript framework that lets you build well structured, easily testable and maintainable front-end applications by using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. When making HTTP requests using AngularJS the $http.get function is often used. This function wraps the XMLHttpRequest object, and as mentioned earlier, this doesn’t work when making cross-domain requests unless CORS is enabled on the server. AngularJS has another function $http.jsonp which allows you to easily make JSONP requests. Using this instead of the $http.get function works well. For example, here is a reusable function that uses the $http.jsonp function to download the results from the specified REST URL request and send them to a callback function.

Here is an example of how you can use this function to geocode a location and have the results sent to a callback function called GeocodeCallback.

Notice how we have to specify the JSONP parameter of the REST request URL to JSON_CALLBACK.

What about HTTP POST requests?

So far we have mainly focused on making HTTP GET requests as majority of the features in the Bing Maps REST services are accessed in that way. GET requests are simple and fast but are limited by the length of the URL which is limited to 2083 characters. There is however a few features in the REST services where you can make HTTP POST requests so that you can pass in more data than what is supported by GET requests.

- The Elevation service allows you to POST coordinate data. This is useful as this service allows you to pass up to 1024 coordinates in a single request.

- The Imagery service allows you to POST data for up to 100 pushpins when generating a static image of a map.

JSONP does not support HTTP POST requests which limits us quite a bit. There is however a way around this which consists of creating a proxy service and hosting it on the same server as your webpage and then have it make the POST request to Bing Maps. If using Visual Studio, a Generic handler can be easily turned into a proxy service.

To do this, open Visual Studio and create a new ASP.NET Web Application called BingMapsPostRequests.

Screenshot: Creating ASP.NET Web Application Project

Next add a Generic Handler by right clicking on the project and selecting Add -> New Item and selecting the Generic Handler option from the web template section. Call it ProxyService.ashx.

Screenshot: Adding Generic Handler

Open the ProxyService.ashx.cs file and update it with the following code. This code will allow the proxy service to take in three parameters; a url to make the proxy request for, a type value which indicates if a HTTP GET or POST request should be made by the proxy service, and a responseType value which indicates the content type of the response data. If the response type is an image, the response will be a 64bit encode string which will make it easier to work within JavaScript.

Next add an HTML file by right clicking on the project and selecting Add -> New Item and selecting the HTML Page template. Call it index.html.

Screenshot: Creating and HTML page

Open the index.html page and update it with the following code. This code will add two buttons to the webpage which show how to use the proxy service to make requests the Bing Maps REST elevation and imagery services.

When the first button is pressed it will make a request to get the elevations of 100 random coordinates in the USA. This will result in the page looking something like this:

Screenshot: Response from POST Elevation request

When the second button is pressed it will make a request to get a static map image with 100 random pushpins. The response from the proxy service is a 64 bit encode string which we can pass as the source for an image tag to render the image on the page like this.

Screenshot: Response from POST Imagery request

Full source code for the proxy service example can be downloaded here.

- Ricky Brundritt, Bing Maps Program Manager


Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json Free

Use the following URL templates to get latitude and longitude coordinates for a location by specifying values such as a locality, postal code, and street address.

When you make a request by using one of the following URL templates, the response returns one or more Location resources that contain location information associated with the URL parameter values. The location information for each resource includes latitude and longitude coordinates, the type of location, and the geographical area that contains the location. For more information about the Location resource, see Location Data. You can also view the example URL and response values in the Examples section.

URL Templates


These templates support both HTTP and HTTPS protocols.To use this API, you must have a Getting a Bing Maps Key.


Be sure to review the Bing Maps API Best Practices guide before using this service.

Get the latitude and longitude coordinates based on a set of address values for any country

A URL appends the location data to the URL path. In the URL below, address information is specified by using URL address parameters such as addressLine, adminDistrict. and postalCode. These parameters are appended to the URL path.

You can get information for a location in any country by setting one or more of the parameters in the following URL.

Get the latitude and longitude coordinates based on a set of address values for specific countries**


You can substitute a hyphen (-) for any structured URL parameter when there is no value.

For countries that do not have a structured URL template, use the Unstructured URL described below or use the Find a Location by Query API which takes location well as encode other special characters information as a single query string.

For all location values, it is a best practice to encode the URI before making the request. Encoding replaces spaces with '%20' and replaces other special characters with similar encoded values. For more information, see encodeURI [JavaScript] and Uri.EscapeDataString [.NET].

A structured URL specifies the location data for the country as part of the URL path.




United Kingdom

United States


About Special Characters

When you specify location information using one of the structured URLs, do not use values that contain special characters such as a period (.), a comma (,), a colon (:), or a plus sign (+). A hyphen is acceptable as a placeholder but should not be used as part of a parameter value in a structured URL. If the location information contains any special characters use the following structured URL template or the Find a Location by Query API.

For example, if you want to get latitude and longitude values for the address '100 Main St. Somewhere, WA 98001' that contains a period (.), use one of the following query formats.


Find a Location by Query query: http://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Locations?q=100%20Main%20St.%20Somewhere,%20WA%2098001&key={BingMapsAPIKey}

API Parameters


See the Common Parameters and Types section for additional common parameters to use with these URLs.

Common parameters include:

  • Output Parameters: Includes response output types and the JSON callback parameters.
  • Culture Parameter: Includes a list of the supported cultures.
  • User Context Parameters: Includes parameters that set user location and viewport values to help with determining locations. For example, you can specify the user’s location to prioritize the set of locations returned when you query with incomplete address information.

Parameter values are not case-sensitive.

adminDistrictOptional for unstructured URL. The subdivision name in the country or region for an address. This element is typically treated as the first order administrative subdivision, but in some cases it is the second, third, or fourth order subdivision in a country, dependency, or region.A string that contains a subdivision, such as the abbreviation of a US state.
Example: WA
localityOptional for unstructured URL. The locality, such as the city or neighborhood, that corresponds to an address.A string that contains the locality, such as a US city.
Example: Seattle
postalCodeOptional for unstructured URL. The post code, postal code, or ZIP Code of an address.A string that contains the postal code, such as a US ZIP Code.
Example: 98178
addressLineOptional for unstructured URL. The official street line of an address relative to the area, as specified by the Locality, or PostalCode, properties. Typical use of this element would be to provide a street address or any official address.A string specifying the street line of an address.
Example: 1 Microsoft Way
countryRegionOptional for unstructured URL. The ISO country code for the country.A string specifying the ISO country code.
Example: AU
includeNeighborhoodinclnbOptional. Specifies to include the neighborhood in the response when it is available.
Note: When you create your URL request, you can set the Locality parameter to a neighborhood. In this case, the neighborhood you provide may be returned in the neighborhood field of the response and a greater locality may be returned in the locality field. For example, you can create a request that specifies to include neighborhood information (inclnb=1) and that sets the Locality to Ballard and the AdminDistrict to WA (Washington State). In this case, the neighborhood field in the response is set to Ballard and the locality field is set to Seattle. You can find this example in the Examples section.
One of the following values:
- 1: Include neighborhood information when available.
- 0[default]: Do not include neighborhood information.
includeinclOptional. Specifies additional values to include.The only value for this parameter is ciso2. When you specify include=ciso2, the two-letter ISO country code is included for addresses in the response.
maxResultsmaxResOptional. Specifies the maximum number of locations to return in the response.A string that contains an integer between 1 and 20. The default value is 5.


One or more Location resources are returned in the response when you make a request by using these URL templates. For more information about the Location resource, see Location Data. For more information about the common response syntax for the Bing Maps REST Services, see Common Response Description. Responses are provided for some URL examples in the following section.

These URLs support JSON (application/json) and XML (application/xml) response formats. A JSON response is provided by default unless you request XML output by setting the output (o) parameter. For more information, see Output Parameters.


Find location information for a United States street address including the ZIP Code

This example provides location information for a street address in the United States and requests the results in XML format.

XML Response

The Locations resource returned for this example provides the latitude and longitude of the location and defines a geographical area (bounding box) that includes the location. The location entity type is defined as an Address and the address information that was used as input parameters is included and enhanced by adding the county (AdminDistrict2) and ZIP Code.

Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json Editor

JSON Response

The following JSON response contains the same information as the previous XML response and is provided when the output (o) parameter is not set.

Find location information for a United States street address without a postal code

This example provides location information for the same street address as the previous example, but does not specify the ZIP Code.

Find location information and request up to 10 location results in the response

This example provides location information for the locality 'Greenville' and requests up to 10 location results in the response. The default maximum number of locations returned is five (5) results.

Find location information by using a structured URL where some parameters have no value

This example provides location information for the United States and uses hyphens (-) for address values that are not specified.

Find location information by using an unstructured URL and setting the userLocation parameter

This example provides location information for an unstructured query for Kings Road in the United Kingdom and uses the userLocation value to prioritize the response. If you remove the userLocation parameter in this example, the results change because the userLocation position prioritizes results that are closer to this location. For more information about the userLocation parameter and other user context parameters, see User Context Parameters.

Find location information and request neighborhood information in the response

This example provides location information for Ballard in Washington state (WA) and also returns neighborhood information. Ballard is a neighborhood, but is specified as a locality in the request. Note that in the response, Ballard is defined as the neighborhood and Seattle is defined as the locality.

C dev.virtualearth.net rest json format

XML Response

JSON Response


The following JSON response contains the same information as the previous XML response and is provided when the output (o) parameter is not set.

Find location information for Canada

This example provides location information for a street in Vancouver, Canada.

Find location information for France

This example provides location information for a street in Paris, France.

Find location information for Germany

This example provides location information for an address in Berlin, Germany.

Find location information for the United Kingdom

These examples provide location information for a postal code in the United Kingdom.

Find location information by using an unstructured URL

These examples provide location information based on the specified parameter values.

HTTP Status Codes


C Dev.virtualearth.net Rest Json Converter

For more details about these HTTP status codes, see Status Codes and Error Handling.

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When the request is successful, the following HTTP status code is returned.

  • 200

When the request is not successful, the response returns one of the following errors.

  • 400
  • 401
  • 404
  • 429
  • 500
  • 503

See Also

Using the REST Services with .NET
JSON Data Contracts
Geocoding a LocationGetting Route Directions
Find a location by query